New Chapter, Cinnamon Force, 60 вегетарианских капсул

Пищевая ценностьРазмер порции: 1 капсула Количество в 1 порции% от суточной нормыКорица (Cinnamomum cassia) (кора) 70,5 мг гидроэтанольного экстракта и 34,5 мг сверхкритического экстракта105 мг•Цейлонская корица (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) (кора) 23,5 мг гидроэтанольного экстракта и 11,5 мг сверхкритического экстракта35 мг•• Суточная норма не определена. Non-GMO Project VerifiedNSF Certified Gluten FreeCertified B CorporationDietary SupplementWith Gratitude From VermontCertified Gluten-Free by NSF100% Vegetarian No Artificial Flavors or Colors. Discover the Force of the WholeFull-Spectrum Force Extraction (pure & potent extracts)
Whole HerbNature’s Profile of Beneficial CompoundsSuper-Pure, Super-Potent ExtractThe New Chapter Herbal SupplementLive Life Well with Nutrition You Can UseOur difference is full-spectrum extraction.
Many companies isolate elements from an herb, concentrate them, and label it ‘whole herb.’ New Chapter® delivers the wisdom of whole food. Using only supercritical CO2 or traditional techniques of extraction, our Force extracts offer a broad spectrum of beneficial phytonutrients in their natural profile.Herbal. Holistic. Health.™
Blood Sugar Support — Cinnamon is known for its ability to help the body retain healthy blood sugar levels, and helps maintain normal blood glucose following a meal.Antioxidant Action — Cinnamon’s strong antioxidant action helps neutralize free radicals in the body and protect cells from damage.
Full-Spectrum Potency — We use a whole-food approach to deliver a broad spectrum of Cinnamon’s beneficial compounds, matching Nature’s true profile by extracting the whole bark using both supercritical and traditional methods.Pure & Potent Extracts — Our sustainably sourced, 100% vegetarian capsules keep the herbs pure & potent and dissolve quickly so the herbs are rapidly available for absorption.